Sometime back, one of my close relative was diagnosed with jaundice and Hepatitis B. She was getting treatment in my native place in Bihar and was taking all precaution (like complete bed rest and eating habits) to avoid any further deterioration for liver. Her bilirubin level was around 10 (that is suppose to be dangerous level). In one more week it (Bilirubin level) climbed to 17 and doctor expressed his suspicion that she might be having lever cancer. Patient was although able to talk and was not feeling too much weakness. The treatment continued with all precautions and in another week Bilirubin level instead of going down, reached 31 which is supposed to fatal. Hepatitis B was positive in all different tests. In our small town we don’t have enough medical facilities and we couldnot find a liver specialist to look for her liver condition. We were feeling hopeless because doctor advised that in such condition even moving her to big hospitals in New Delhi might be dangerous because she now needs no movements and should not have any exertion. Here the patient was put on ayurveda remedies. There were two different thing tried on patient simultaneously. One was suggested by an allopath doctor somewhere and came in knowledge to us thru someone. It was ½ ounce of juice of castor (in hindi arandi) leaves (grind the fresh arandi leaves and extract out all juice) mixed with another ½ ounce of coconut milk (grind the fresh coconut pulp and extract out all the white color juice) and to take in empty stomach for three days continuously. Another remedy was suggested by Baba Ramdev and Shri Balkrishna on aastha TV channel to use Phyllanthus amarus (Bhoomi amla in hindi). Baba Ramdev and Shri Balkrishna believe that Hepatitis B is totally curable thru Ayurveda. Within a week of using these ayurvedic remedies, the bilirubin level of patient came down to 17 and then 5, 2 in three weeks. Starting fourth week she diagnosed no jaundice with Hepatitis B negative. It was like miracle for all of us. She is now totally fit
Ayurveda and homeopathy was extensively used in India till sometime back and then slowly the western style of medication started dominating. Government also doesn’t encourage homeopathic and ayurvedic study and treatment. Now the situation is that we don’t find enough experts in these areas and so we go towards easily available allopath. After the work done by Baba Ramdev and Shri Balkrishna, now again we started knowing the power of ayurveda and lot of ayurvedic remedies with proper medication advices are easily available.
Similarly homeopathic treatment is also very handy and can cure lots of diseases easily with minimum side effects. I read about some of the homeopathic medicines recently and tried out with the advice of a homeopathic doctor and found homeopathic treatment is also very useful. In my childhood days, I was mostly treated by homeopath. In next few blogs I am planning to write about some of the homeopathy medicines and their effects.